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The Detailed Life


The Detailed Life is a premier organizing service that specializes in transforming homes into clutter-free and functional spaces. Led by former Office Manager and Personal Assistant turned business owner Kat Farrior, their mission is to create more space and ensure easy access to essential items.

TDL caters to busy professionals, parents, and seniors in Austin, Texas, and its surrounding areas. With their meticulous organizing system, they help clients achieve and maintain an organized lifestyle, providing personalized solutions tailored to their unique needs. From decluttering and optimizing storage solutions to developing customized organizational systems, they empower individuals to reclaim their living spaces and enhance their overall quality of life.

Learn more about The Detailed Life at


​When The Detailed Life approached us, they faced specific challenges in effectively leveraging social media marketing to reach their target audience and showcase their organizing services. These challenges included:

Limited Online Presence: The Detailed Life had a limited presence on social media platforms, making it difficult to reach its target audience and raise awareness about its services. They needed to establish a strong online presence to attract potential clients and build credibility in the organizing industry.

Audience Engagement: Engaging their target audience on social media was a challenge for The Detailed Life. They needed strategies to increase followers, encourage interaction, and build a community of individuals interested in organizing their homes. It was crucial to create content that resonated with their audience and encouraged them to take action.

Branding and Messaging: The Detailed Life wanted to refine its branding and messaging to accurately reflect its unique approach and value proposition. They needed assistance in clearly communicating their organizing expertise, the benefits of their services, and what sets them apart from competitors in the industry.

Content Strategy: Developing a consistent and effective content strategy was a challenge for The Detailed Life. They needed help in identifying the right types of content, determining the optimal posting frequency, and creating engaging and informative posts that would capture the attention of their target audience.


To address these challenges and optimize The Detailed Life's social media presence, we developed tailored solutions:

Social Media Strategy: We created a comprehensive social media strategy that aligned with The Detailed Life's goals and target audience. This included identifying the most relevant platforms, developing a content calendar, and defining key performance indicators to measure success.

Content Creation: We crafted compelling and visually appealing content that showcased The Detailed Life's organizing expertise, highlighted client success stories, and provided helpful tips and insights on home organization. This content aimed to engage and educate their audience, establishing The Detailed Life as a trusted resource in the organizing industry.

Branding and Messaging Refinement: We worked closely with The Detailed Life to refine their branding and messaging. This included creating a consistent brand voice, developing clear and concise messaging, and ensuring that their unique value proposition was effectively communicated to their target audience.

Audience Engagement Strategies: We implemented strategies to increase audience engagement, including interactive posts, contests, and user-generated content campaigns. These initiatives aimed to foster a sense of community, encourage audience participation, and build brand loyalty.

Through our social media marketing solutions, we successfully helped The Detailed Life overcome their initial challenges. They experienced increased online visibility, improved audience engagement, and strengthened brand identity, further positioning them as a trusted authority in the organizing industry.

Hey, It's Richely!
Combining my love of social media, online marketing, sales, and a degree in marketing, my services are designed specifically to support businesses (like yours) with their social media and online marketing needs.

Ready to Make Your Mark in the Digital World?

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